
  • Beatriz de Stefani Cardoso Universidade do Oeste Paulista – UNOESTE
  • Victor Martins de Aguiar Universidade do Oeste Paulista – UNOESTE
  • Yeda Ruiz Maria Universidade do Oeste Paulista – UNOESTE


vitalidade urbana, função social, Estatuto da Cidade, Presidente Prudente – SP


The Center is a place of historical, economic and social importance in the urban fabric of cities that, in recent years, has undergone degradative processes, which have gradually taken away its importance for the city. The monotony of uses, the departure of residents, the lack of public spaces and the emergence of sub-centers are examples of the problems faced by them. One of the places that suffers most from these changes is the public space, as it is taken away along with the elites. Due to the intensity of commercial uses, many lots end up being destined to house private parking lots, which represent a lower use of the social function of the lots in the center. The main objective of the work was to survey and analyze the private parking lots in the central Prudentine quadrilateral, in order to propose guidelines that can transform these places into public spaces attentive to the needs of their users. This article considered bibliographic reviews, documentary analyzes and urban references. In addition, to make this (re)qualification proposal feasible, digital and on-site surveys of the surroundings were carried out in order to raise existing problems and needs. As a result of this work, general and specific urbanistic guidelines were proposed in order to enhance the democratic character of the city center, especially its public spaces. These guidelines will be exemplified through the proposal of a preliminary design of a public space from the requalification of a private parking lot in Presidente Prudente’s center.


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How to Cite

(RE)QUALIFICATION PROJECT: CONVERTING A PRIVATE PARKING LOT INTO A PUBLIC SPACE IN THE CENTRAL SQUARE OF PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE - SP. (2023). Colloquium Socialis. ISSN: 2526-7035, 7(1), 33-50. https://revistas.unoeste.br/index.php/cs/article/view/4798

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