
  • Alexandre Godinho Bertoncello UNOESTE
  • Felipe Natan dos Anjos Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE


Endividamento, educação financeira, administração


Interest rates in Brazil have historically been high and for this reason the form of investment in the country has always been unsophisticated, large investors made fixed income, as the CDI and small investors applied in savings. In the present national scenario 2019/2020, it is possible to observe that Brazil will have macroeconomic conditions very different from those experienced in recent years, with a decrease in the aggregate government supply, a reduction in the increase in public and household debt, and a great reduction in interest rates. interest. In the coming years it will be important to diversify investments, after all the phenomenon of negative interest in other markets will be a national reality. To obtain answers, quantitative and exploratory approaches were used, and later the comparative method, to corroborate the correlation between capital accumulation and the macroeconomic scenario. As a result, it was possible to ascertain that there is no correlation between the base interest rate and indebtedness, but that there is a relationship between the return on traditional investments and interest, at the same time, educational levels have a direct relationship with indebtedness and thus we conclude that there is a new monetary reality, but we still do not have a new reality for investors and borrowers in Brazil.


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How to Cite

CONHECIMENTO NECESSÁRIO PARA FUGIR DO JUROS NEGATIVOS. (2020). Colloquium Socialis. ISSN: 2526-7035, 4(2), 48-56.

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