Use of pearson's linear coefficient to assess the influence of GDP and HDI indicators on per capita water consumption in the state of ceará


  • Maria Irene Teodoro Lopes IFCE
  • Maria do Socorro Ribeiro Hortegal Filha


Sistemas de abastecimento de água; Indicadores socioeconômicos; Correlação.


ABSTRACT – In this work, Pearson's linear correlation method was used to assess the influence of socioeconomic indicators on Per capita water consumption in the state of Ceará. For this, data from the 2010 Census were used for the municipal human development index (HDI), as well as data on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and the per capita consumption of water from 2013 to 2018 for the 184 municipalities in the state of Ceará. To facilitate the analysis, the municipalities were analyzed according to the state's mesoregions, which are 7. The results obtained demonstrate a weak correlation between the HDI the Per capita water consumption, which can be explained by the various influencing factors in the HDI result. And in relation to the correlation between GDP per capita and water consumption, weak correlations were also found according to the division into mesoregions, but with a large amplitude for the municipalities in the same mesoregion. Observing the individuality of the municipalities, a strong or moderate correlation was obtained in 47.7% of the municipalities in Ceará. The methodology used is easy to analyze and understand and proves to be very useful for planning water supply systems.


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How to Cite

Use of pearson’s linear coefficient to assess the influence of GDP and HDI indicators on per capita water consumption in the state of ceará. (2022). Colloquium Exactarum. ISSN: 2178-8332, 13(4), 69-81.

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